Apt and brave for Prof Pecknold to deliver this speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. It's time "Liberals" in America (or such "so-called" - I personally don't think they are "Liberals" at all; I deem them to be talkers without facts, evangelicals without principles, practitioners of dissolute existence without morals) did some serious soul-searching.
What’s next to CANCEL for the sake of convenience under the guise of "Freedom"? Freedom has never been taken to mean by any culture, any political ideology, to mean cancellation of all responsibilities Man owes to one another and to the Being that created ALL of us.
No one comments. I'll go first then.
Apt and brave for Prof Pecknold to deliver this speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. It's time "Liberals" in America (or such "so-called" - I personally don't think they are "Liberals" at all; I deem them to be talkers without facts, evangelicals without principles, practitioners of dissolute existence without morals) did some serious soul-searching.
What’s next to CANCEL for the sake of convenience under the guise of "Freedom"? Freedom has never been taken to mean by any culture, any political ideology, to mean cancellation of all responsibilities Man owes to one another and to the Being that created ALL of us.