Just found you and subscribed. So much to think about here and I look forward to reading more.

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https://martinmugar.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-nihilist-condition-and-provisional.html I put Flannery O'Connor and Warhol in the same nihilist boat. Rubinstein thought enough of that insight that he was lead to read Vattimo and reconsider somewhat his notion of provisional painting. I am mentioned at the beginning of the fourth essay in his recently published collection of essays. https://raphaelrubinstein.com/ Pilkington sees that the nihilist road can lead to God

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New here, so pls help me understand… how does Nietzsche’s “slave morality”, which he detested, shake out in postliberal thinking? Can it be seen as encompassing appropriate, communitarian non-violent strategies for transforming deep seated social conflicts? Or is it seen as problematic as Nietzsche believed?

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Good writing. Thanks.

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Your last two pieces here have been excellent. Keep it up.

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Curtis Yarvin’s on the same track.

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