Patrick Deneen did not respond to the mention of the ludicrous sexual abuse case, This would have been an opportunity to point out how President Trump's opponents have used "lawfare," i.e., weaponization of the legal system in a desperate effort to derail his popular appeal, even at the cost of discrediting that institution.

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The American imperial project was a betrayal of the American people and counter to the intent of the founding fathers - “of the people, FOR the people” - that old chestnut.

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This is a remarkle, succinct and direct explanation of the intellectual and moral failure of the left, after they came close to establishing a permanent hegemony with a class based gerrymander, and of how Trump won the working class and defeated the Republican establishment!

I am genuinely surprised that this should come from a professor in a Catholic university.

Sadly, the Catholic education system, and much of the church itself, can be included in the "...bubble ... made up of institutions that dominate the mainstream of American life: media, universities, entertainment, the managerial class, bureaucrats, etc. "

Please correct me if I'm wrong!

I'd be delighted to be informed that my impression of a left-leaning Catholic "elite", within academia, the bureaucracy (ie. diocesan offices, affliated organisations such as St Vincent De Pau, Caritas) and the current "synodal" movement.

(Coming from a convert of forty years, who doesn't recognise the Church he now lives in).

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Perhaps European intelligencia have not yet realized how unrealistic American intelligencia has become. They still drink the American mass media Kool-Aid. I don't know how else to explain their attitude toward Trump and Trump voters. Having actually lived through Hitler and Mussolini, believing the MSM lie that Trump is a reincarnation of Hitler would be a reason to fear him. But, on the other hand, the European Union, NATO, and the UN epitomize Left-Wing Liberalism's false reality.

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Preposterous assertion that Trump doesn't kowtow to political donors. Besides Adelson, the Mercers, and others, there is now the Musk Genuflection.

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