Professor Feser, that was delicious, what language, I am so happy. Please - “Lunatic exercises in Promethean self creation” - perfect. Them’s fight’n words.
I’m surprised that you were younger than me: hum, your voice is older than your years.
As for substack, it comes in the nick of time, we are comprehensively lost and we need you philosophers out of your cloisters and into the public domain. More please but less complex; semi-popular is fun and muscular, an indulgence, but to be effective we need you to be plain: someone, and you have the chops must counter this insanity.
As you argue, “Conscience, the voice of reason, may no longer be audible to someone who is habituated to sin”, again, what a perfect formulation.
Onward Christian soldier. This substack is a trump card, people see the disorder and desperately need you to explain what they intuit. Why have you studied that shit so hard? 
Professor Feser, that was delicious, what language, I am so happy. Please - “Lunatic exercises in Promethean self creation” - perfect. Them’s fight’n words.
I’m surprised that you were younger than me: hum, your voice is older than your years.
As for substack, it comes in the nick of time, we are comprehensively lost and we need you philosophers out of your cloisters and into the public domain. More please but less complex; semi-popular is fun and muscular, an indulgence, but to be effective we need you to be plain: someone, and you have the chops must counter this insanity.
As you argue, “Conscience, the voice of reason, may no longer be audible to someone who is habituated to sin”, again, what a perfect formulation.
Onward Christian soldier. This substack is a trump card, people see the disorder and desperately need you to explain what they intuit. Why have you studied that shit so hard? 
Perfect Title