Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023Liked by Adrian Vermeule
Hi Conor, Excellent stuff it is indeed! Prof Pappin’s summation is simply superb! If a government doesn't work for the common good of its people, what on earth is it for?? I have never understood when the good of many is sacrificed for the selfish interests of a powerful and/or noisy few, the name for that system of governance is "Democracy". Also, in my view, it is important to assert strongly and boldly Christian - in this case particularly Catholic - social teachings in the state of dis-health in which America is finding itself (since about 2016 but symptoms started years earlier). There is nothing amusing about what we are seeing - total, wanton, unthinking loss of restraint and constraint in a thing called Individual Freedom/ Autonomy, carried out at the expense of the good of the community’ - nothing. In my view, Catholic teachings is the only strong enough “medicine” to nurse this society back to health. The teachings provide a **moral center of gravity** without which, as Prof Pecknold puts it, the despair is too sad to bear. The American people deserve better.
Bring Pres. Novak over here and run her as the so-called Republican nominee. She could acquire a US birth certificate on a street corner in L.A. I bet.
Excellent stuff gents!
Glad to see you’re working on your French after the Et toi, Brutus? debacle of ‘19
You’re going to confuse people on the internet about who said that! Not me.
Hi Conor, Excellent stuff it is indeed! Prof Pappin’s summation is simply superb! If a government doesn't work for the common good of its people, what on earth is it for?? I have never understood when the good of many is sacrificed for the selfish interests of a powerful and/or noisy few, the name for that system of governance is "Democracy". Also, in my view, it is important to assert strongly and boldly Christian - in this case particularly Catholic - social teachings in the state of dis-health in which America is finding itself (since about 2016 but symptoms started years earlier). There is nothing amusing about what we are seeing - total, wanton, unthinking loss of restraint and constraint in a thing called Individual Freedom/ Autonomy, carried out at the expense of the good of the community’ - nothing. In my view, Catholic teachings is the only strong enough “medicine” to nurse this society back to health. The teachings provide a **moral center of gravity** without which, as Prof Pecknold puts it, the despair is too sad to bear. The American people deserve better.
Bring Pres. Novak over here and run her as the so-called Republican nominee. She could acquire a US birth certificate on a street corner in L.A. I bet.
Oh, what a lovely essay and transcript. The hard work of each step, small that it may be, produces just results over the long run.