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But how to determine the difference between "human dignity" and unlimited globalist voluntaristic human rights?

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If this summary is correct, MacIntyre has committed two fundamental errors:

(1) Contrary to what MacIntyre apparently said, inherent dignity and flourishing dignity are linked by the idea of a nature. Every being that has a rational nature has inherent dignity, even though that nature will be manifest only in so far as it is able to flourish.

(2) Contrary to what MacIntyre apparently said, what is primarily owed to beings with dignity is respect, not help. Respect requires, first of all, acknowledgment and deference. It is only if a community decides to undertake the mutual promotion of flourishing that acknowledgment requires that none be left out. (Think of an athletic contest versus a food cooperative.)

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McIntyre speaks to both of your points in his lecture. It’s available on the ND site.

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Also on YouTube

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MacIntyre's 2017 lecture was my first introduction to post liberal thought, this year's sounds amazing. Is it on YouTube yet?

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I would expect in coming days.

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